Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Recycling At Its Feathered Finest

Since moving to the country, I've never gotten around to purchasing a 'real' birdbath. When money got tight(er), I cancelled Dish Network, and now watch TV by rabbit ears. Hmm. What to do with the old dish? Well now, wotcha think? Doesn't it make the most divine birdbath, darling? Just enough water to wet little birdie beaks and splish-splash the plumage. But not enough for the mosquitoes to hatch in, as it needs to be refilled every other day. We like recycling. "Here, here, and jolly good", say the feathered ones. And besides, watching this dish network is vastly more fulfilling.

But just so's you know, there is no old commode sitting out beside it (or anywhere else) in the garden. However, I do have a red-neck gazing ball. Yep... it's a bowling ball. Ü Ahhh. The joys of country living- without Martha.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is perfect. I have 2 birdbaths in my backyard. Unfortunately one cracked badly after having served its purpose for many years. I have been experimenting with different things around the house that could serve the purpose without having to buy a new one. Too embarrased to say what I have tried; some have worked, some have not.

Shaun said...

Why thank you... I also haven't gotten around to making the clay birdbath that's a mini-swimming pool diarama. I want the pool complete with little chaise loungers and all things seen poolside.