Sunday, September 10, 2006

Next Year's Butterflies?

I was staring out the window above the kitchen sink, one of my most fave views, and noticed a fluffy, fluttering lump in the backyard. I assumed it was the remains of something's fast-food meal. So I went out expecting to find bunny parts, but was surprised to see it was an exploded milkweed pod.

This is the plant where Monarch butterflies lay eggs, and on which the caterpillars feed. An empty chrysalis, found on my porch railing earlier this year, meant I had just missed a birth. I am tickled pink (red, orange, black & yellow, too) to discover these plants on their journey to becoming next year's butterfly chow. My neighbors probably aren't- I don't mow very often in the Spring or well... ever for that matter. A major plus in moving here, was being able to see the countryside in all its glorious green imperfection, and not to live on a golfcourse. I'm thinking that one man's weeds, are this girlie's wildflowers.


Tina T-P said...

Hey Shaun - welcome to blogging! I hopped to your blog from Farmgirl Fare - (wasn't that just about the most precious picture of Dan & Cary?) Anyhow, your Lions & Tigers & Goats entry had me laughing loudly - Great story. I hope you'll stop by my blog sometime and see our little farm - I include recipes, pics of all things cat, etc. Tina

Anonymous said...

Still catching up on your posts! This was marvelous. It took a while, but once I learned the usefullness to nature about the milk-weed, I quit tearing them out. I absolutely love butterflies and have 2 tatooed on my left shoulder. Long live nature!

Shaun said...

I have a _ _ _ _ _ tattoo. Golly, do you think you can fill in the blank with what I collect? It's on my left ankle. I took my own art design, so it's the only one.

Anonymous said...

I be that is a great tatoo! Nice that you used your own design!

Shaun said...

Actually, I forgot to say the pic in the "about me" is my tattoo. That is an enlarged version made into yard-art for a petting farm.

Anonymous said...

Totally cool; love it! How did you decide on sheep as collectibles? As a collector myself, always interested in what inspires collections.